Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events Below

Do you wish to receive emails from the HLSA?


HLS alumni can log into the HLSA Club or SIG website they wish to subscribe to using HavardKey. Once logged in, you will be added to that HLSA Club or SIG’s email recipient list. You can subscribe to as many HLSA Club or SIG organizations as you wish to participate in.

If you wish to update your email address with the HLSA, you can log into any HLSA Club or SIG website to update your profile or email alumrec@law.harvard.edu. 




HarvardKey is a secure login and password to streamline your access to several online alumni tools and benefits. Visit key.harvard.edu to claim your HarvardKey today.

Need personalized help? Contact the HLS HarvardKey support line at +1 617-495-5631 or alumrec@law.harvard.edu.