Welcome to the newest HLSA Executive Committee members who joined
on July 1, 2022 for the 2022 – 2023 term.
Joanne Bush J.D. ’04
Houston, TX -
Arianne de Govia J.D. ’01
Washington, D.C. -
John Mathews II J.D. ’07
Los Angeles, CA
Juliana Soares Porto Fonseca LL.M. ’13
Washington, D.C. -
Natalie Vernon J.D. ’17
Denver, CO -
Jee Young You J.D. ’05
San Francisco, CA
Thank you to the HLSA Executive Committee members whose service came to an end June 30, 2022. Your leadership and expertise has been integral to the HLSA community.
Richard Hall LL.M .’88 Kannon Shanmugam J.D. ’98 Sydney Schaub J.D. ’07